Is it wrong for people to write poetry on issues they don't have

  • Carly
    17 years ago

    What do you think?

  • Espoirfailed
    17 years ago

    Somebody could know someone that went through the issue and it could be there point of view or written on behalf of them. i agree that it can be a good objective perspective but also expierence can make a great poem.

  • Choose xX Alex Xx Life
    17 years ago

    Yea i think it dont really matter sometimes i make things worse than they are myselfxxx alex xxx

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    I don't think it is....I do....but then again I'm just one person so i dunno lol

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago


  • Corinne
    17 years ago

    It's not wrong, but it may not have the ring of truth.

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    As long as the person actually puts some feeling into the poem, absolutely not.

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    Why should it.
    Poetry is for whoever is writing it, they shouldn't care if someone says "You can't write that"
    It's a free country (in most aspects..)

  • Deana
    17 years ago

    I think if you can have empathy then you can write from anothers perspective,I`ve never had a drug problem but I can see what it does to others so why not write about it . If you have the ability to write about an issue you have never had and your reader can`t tell the difference then you are a talented writer.

  • Marcus
    17 years ago

    Hang on, so i'm not allowed to write about wolves... cos i haven't experienced them? =/
    Bull... lol
    Write what you want, it's your world

  • Pat Secord
    17 years ago


  • adelinaxx
    16 years ago

    No way you can write about anything and it could be just as good as someone with experience

  • Peachy
    16 years ago

    For me, it is better to write poems if you experience it..and experience is the best teacher..they are right! But if you have the imagination to do that, well.. definitely you can do it!!and dont forget to put your heart in evrything you do..

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    I think poetry can be written by anyone no matter their experiences, i dont think i could write about something i dont know so i would have to admire how someone could write a poem from scratch.

    take kare xxxx

  • Spirit
    16 years ago

    If you really care what other people think of your poems the go ahead and ask them about it if you however have an idea for a poem and you think its good then go ahead and write about it. one of my poems was about a a wife losing her husband i'm not married i'm only 15 i've never been fully in love and i don't know any person who has lost there spouse what i do know is lost and i know a powerfull felling of it because when i turned 11 my great grand mother died and i use that felling to express myself in that poem.

    I don't think that you need to go through with anything to feel a certain way so that your poem will work the way that you want it to you just need to find a feeling that is similar in some way and make it 100 times bigger.

    Sam Mayo

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    your pic is sooo cute!!!!

  • Amy
    16 years ago

    Poetry is like art...there are no rules!

  • Spirit
    16 years ago

    Dang Amy you are being a poet even when you're not trying to be.

  • Brittney Follett
    16 years ago

    Haha.. i dont think so. I do it all the time :P all my beginning poems are stories. and my latest the only ones that arent are the stupid love ones

  • Ixora
    16 years ago

    No i dont think its wrong. If you think about it they're doing many basic human traits when they do that. They try to connect to other people, try to walk in their shoes, judge, and make their own opinions. I think it's fine so long as they have a good meaning behind it.

  • Becca
    16 years ago

    Absolutely not.

    Sure experience may give you an edge and crack the door open a little bit but it's the passion that matters. Like it was mentioned before, it could be based on a friend or for someone who has been through it.

    As long as the passion is there... there is also some truth to it because I'm sure someone will be able to relate.

  • Broken Angel
    16 years ago

    No i dont think so, i do it sometimes...

  • StarvingForPerfection
    16 years ago

    No, i dont think its wrong

  • X l i l T a n i X
    16 years ago

    I dont think its wrong i think you might wont to express something even though its not happening to you

  • kevin Boundy AKA the ghost
    16 years ago

    I write from alot of the expiriences ive had but i also like to write through another persons point of view like trying to see what they see and writing about what theyve gone through but i dont think it really matters either way if your writing about it you have to have some emotion to write it i mean come on writing poetry is about emotion write

  • Letty
    16 years ago

    I don't believe that it's wrong. I mean it's just like writing a fictional book. Sometimes the imagination can be better than reality. I myself write a lot of fictional poems and I like them better than the realistic ones.

  • DeathsRose
    16 years ago

    Some of my poems are real some are fiction...It just depends on whatever I feel sounds good at the moment in a poem...Just read my poems and see if you can tell which ones are real and which ones are fictional, then you be the judge if poems need to be real all the time or not.

    16 years ago

    Alot of my poetry has to do with cutting and suicide but i dont cut or anything but i knw ppl who do so
    i think people should have the rite to write about anythin

  • Jordan
    16 years ago

    "No way you can write about anything and it could be just as good as someone with experience"
    I completely disagree. If a person has a way with words, then they can create a piece that is just as thoughtful and meaningful to the reader as anyone else.

    Why do you think people seek out others to write poetry FOR them at times?

    It may not mean as much to the writer in a literal sense...but it still could.

    Who's to say that people can't empathize?

  • Jordan
    16 years ago

    "It's called being an author. Just because we didn't feel these things ourselves doesn't mean we can't write about them."

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    16 years ago

    I dont think writing any kind of poetry could ever be construed as "wrong".

    I personally, have written poetry of rape, heartbreak, love, lust, having online friends, and have gone through none of these.

    There is no WRONG poetry. Same as there is no BAD music- if someone enjoys it, it's good to them. So if a poem makes the author feel good[ or bad in some cases] *which is what really matters in poetry* then that makes the poem "Right".

    What's wrong is writing about things you really don't enjoy simply because others tell you to, or to please your editor..


  • Lethmelodis
    16 years ago

    I've never fought personified death in a forest called the 'Hallows'. or physically journeyed through hell.

    I think I should be able to talk about it in poetry :) (which I have both)

    Whatever comes from the soul and feels right on paper.

    Let it flow.

  • homebound
    16 years ago

    No poetry is wrong. Maybe its not an experience you had but one of your friends' so you write it from her/his point of view. Actually its a great way to deeply relate to their situation and understand how to help. Also if its just a topic you have strong emotions for, its great to write about

  • Narphangu
    16 years ago

    I don't know... I wouldn't say it's wrong... But I wouldn't say it's wise, either.
    The more truthful the poetry, the more feeling it condones. If you write for the purpose of exploring a different aspect of life, and you research it enough to understand it, I see no problem.
    There is a point where exploration becomes lies, though. I don't really approve of writing poetry about extreme subjects just for attention. I almost feel like it's a slap in the face to those who have actually lived through it.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    No, cuz it helps people deal with issues they have and it's all feelings, if it's in your mind then it's bugging you so it's ok .

  • Sourav
    16 years ago

    Experience is a big thing. But it's not mandatory to write poems. At the same time you should have proper knowledge about the issue on which you are going to write. If one feels writing on something he or she can do it. It's not a big deal.

    16 years ago

    Its not wrong. Its easier with experiance though.

    Imagination is a great thing.

  • xXxRaulXxx
    16 years ago

    I think a person should be able to write about whatever they want as long as it comes out sounding good.

  • Deana
    16 years ago

    I don't think there is a right or wrong when it comes to writing poetry,I have written about a lot of things that I haven't experienced,it depends on the perspective you are writing from.

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    I agree with Deana ^^^
    It doesnt matter, I write about what I want, whether I have experienced it or not.
