Is it wrong for people to write poetry on issues they don't have

  • TwistedAngel xx
    15 years ago

    Yeah I agree with Deana ^^^
    I write about whatever I want, whether I have experienced it or not and sometimes the better poems are the latter.


  • TwistedAngel xx
    15 years ago


  • David ODonnell
    15 years ago

    It really doesn't matter if someone has experience or not when writting poetry for poetry is an art and art is not what we see, it's what we make others see. So even if someone doesn't know entirely what they are talking about, they still have a opinion on it.

  • Vix
    15 years ago

    'Is it wrong for people to write poetry on issues they don't have'

    Was Tennyson present during the tragic charge of British forces to thier certian death during in The Battle of Balaclava, about which he wrote 'The Charge of THe Light Brigade'?

    I rest my case.

  • HumanAngel
    15 years ago

    If someone wants to write poetry on issues they don't have, then they should. No-one has any right to tell another what they can and cannot write.

  • Bre Monique
    15 years ago

    Some of my poems are about things I haven't actually experienced, ie someones first time, witnessing a drive by, being in an abusive relationship, but I still put just as much effort and emotion into those as I did with the ones I did experience. Listening to others and/or seeing it happen to someone else can trigger the same emotion as if it was happening to you. I think it just shows you have empathy and can relate to others.

  • Nic39uy
    15 years ago

    I write about everything and if you have an issue with it then your welcome to express your mind about it. i mean writing is poetry is a learning experience for me, i read other ppl poems and learn from it and try to write something similar so others can understand even if i don't go through that problem. i just want to help in anyway. i mean there shouldn't be a rule you can't write about what you don't know about...just plain stupid if you restrict ppl from writing about something they don't know.

  • Ray Smallshaw
    15 years ago

    That is the joy of poetry it does not ask question or say no it embraces what you want to write so the blank page is yours. You don't need conscience or somebody to pat you on the head its outcome when finished is yours, so why care what people think or say. Unfortunately we are human and like recognition, that is probably why you are asking the question and that is good there are people here who care and like to give guidance.

  • disturbed one
    15 years ago

    Experience not only makes the poems alittle easier to write but they also make them sound a bit more heartfelt. BUT thats not to say that cannot write a poem about death, obviously nobody has experienced full-fledged death. I find that i am sort of emotionless, I have not once in my life been stressed and i'll be 18 in a few months...Ive been actually full blown mad(but i didnt act upon it) once. So i have used this lack of emotion to write my poetry..i know what your thinking..."you dont write your poetry with emotion? wow must be boring" no, thats not what i mean...i mean like...i can trick my mind into a state so dark that my friends and parents wonder im not dead yet from trying to kill myself(ive never tried, and wont) but the style of writing doesnt affect me in the slightest bit...i could be writing something like "As i drag this knife along my wrist" and be like laughing my ass off at something else while im writing it.....and it actually comes out very dark

    it depends on how you approach it really

  • Wolf Haines
    15 years ago

    I agree with Espoir*failed.

    Not everybody has the ability to write, so those who can are free to do it for them.

  • Emma
    15 years ago

    I actually wrote one of my best love poems (I Walked Around Your Garden Today) before I had ever experienced love. So no, I don't think it's wrong at all :)

  • Lori
    15 years ago

    No, actually. I think it is completley normal and that alot of people do it that way:)

  • shenoa
    15 years ago

    No, I don't. Poets write for a reason, we don't right for other people most of the time. It's like saying people shouldn't make movies about things they havn't experienced. Though most of the time you would be able to tell, it's still their piece of art, in art there is no right or wrong. If it's a great poem, does it matter?