Why do YOU write poetry?

  • ABake
    17 years ago

    Well I don't have an exact reason why I write. But maybe it's the feeling I get when I pick up that pen and the words in my mind begin to form across the paper. Poetry is a passion, you don't need to be "depressed" or "heartbroken" or "in love" to write, those are just excuses. Yeah, you might express your feelings about those topics or the way your feeling due to that problem. But that's not at all why you write. Some might think of me as being rude because of what I just said, but not all people who have had problems in life write poetry. As a I mentioned before poetry is a passion, for some it comes naturally which is what makes it a passion. And no offense but for some, they have to try really really hard just to write one "good" poem. But for me personally, I write because I believe that it is my passion, it is what I do to release my feelings, another reason might be that I am a very emotional person and I need to express myself.


  • yarelli12
    17 years ago

    I write to get everthing out of my chest
    its the only way i know how to express myself without hurting anyone.

  • XsuicideXsexXscandalX
    17 years ago

    Let my feelings out

  • Baby Rainbow
    17 years ago

    I like writing poems as it help me to deal with whats in my head and also i can look back to how my poems have changed and how my feelings ahve changed.showing how much i have moved on from the past

  • Veamm
    16 years ago

    To let get through of my emotions, because i can and i really love to write well i can't live without it

  • Adelle
    16 years ago

    I write poems so that I can write things I cant say out loud I also wright because I love wrighting.

  • Birgit
    16 years ago

    Nice way to expres my feelings =] And it's a way of saying things differently =] Like: You can say to a friend that you care a lot about them, but you can also write a poem for him/her and then you say the same thing, but it comes out differently. =P I'm having a hard time saying what I mean today.. lol =']

  • DarkMurderr
    16 years ago

    I write poetry because it expres my feelings and I love to do it.

  • shade127
    16 years ago

    I love expressing myself through words and it helps get my mind off of things that are going on around me.

  • Alex D
    16 years ago

    For the heck of it

  • SilentRebuke
    16 years ago

    I write poetry because my pen (or my keyboard haha) speaks when my tongue cannot, and allows me to express the emotions i am afraid to voice, for whatever reason.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    I write to express my feelings cuz I'm sooo afraid to say them .. I'm a very shy person

  • mheimhei
    16 years ago

    I write poetry whenever i feel so depressed.,or everytime i missed someone.,;( i write poetry because that's my fashion.,!XD

  • Fanny
    16 years ago

    I write poems because its a way to express myself and cause its something that some people cant do or just think that is lame but its not is wonderful

  • TheRapture03
    16 years ago

    I started writing because I play guitar, and wanted to start writing songs. Now I still do that, but i do it more often, mainly to relieve stress.

  • kevin Boundy AKA the ghost
    16 years ago

    I write peoms because its easier to write them down then say it out loud plus it helps to relieve stress

  • Letty
    16 years ago

    I write poetry because it's soothing to me. It helps me relax when I'm extremely upset. I am able to express myself more in any way I want without having to hurt someones feelings in the process.

    16 years ago

    I write poetry to express all types of emotions...
    its my way of soothing the pain or expressing my excitement...or my confusion.... Poetry is a big part of my life...I think it will always help me get throught the good and the bad times...

  • TheRapture03
    16 years ago

    I also wanna add to be expressive to mine

  • A Phoenyx in Flight
    16 years ago

    I write poetry because if i didnt i would explode. writing poetry helps me realese all my emotions in a nonharmful way. for before i started writing i was very harmful to myself and to others. now that i have found the beauty in writing poetry i have become less harmfull and more kind and i help others with the same problem.

  • Pamela G
    16 years ago

    I write poetry because I want to express myself. Some feelings that I can't talk to nobody but to myself and I enjoy doing it very much.

  • Vjollca Shabani
    16 years ago

    I write poetry just bc it makes me feel good and lets out wat im really feeling inside of me

  • Kate Hicks
    16 years ago

    All of the above, and it's fun.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    If there's ink in a pen,
    I use it on paper.

    If no pen or paper is near the premesis (sp?) at the moment I get an idea, I repeat the lines in my head and only hope that I won't get distracted and forget them.
    If I forget them, I usually forget that I was trying to remember something anyway, so I don't beat myself up over it.

  • Brandee
    16 years ago

    I write poetry because its a good way to express my feelings,

  • josh mills
    16 years ago

    Lol like most poetry writers its a release for me.

  • Em
    16 years ago

    Is there a reason that I shouldn't?

  • Flynel
    16 years ago

    I make poems cause, I can put all my feeling in the poem and after that trying to forget it without hurting myelf, The most is sad stories...

    I hope you understand...

    xx Flynel

  • ilu
    16 years ago

    I write poetry beacuse...since i'm not the type of person who likes to express my feelings...i write them...in other words...for me, poem is one way of communicating how i feel...

  • kevin Boundy AKA the ghost
    16 years ago

    I write poetry for a lot of reasons. to feel special, to feel human, to feel relaxed, to express myself, to show affection, to show hate, to make my life sound more bearable on paper, and officially, to prove that i can do something right. alot of reasons lol

  • kevin Boundy AKA the ghost
    16 years ago

    To express themselves if you don't know why people write poetry then this website isnt for you (no offense)

  • Mello193
    16 years ago

    To express to the women I love that I love them.....

    My dear friend silvia
    My ex amanda
    My ex friend darcie
    And my new gf marii kate!!!

    They've all influenced my life greatly and they happen to make me wanna rymme!!!

  • Jessica
    16 years ago

    I write merely for the sake of keeping myself busy. It helps my depression. And I like to think alot, and the more I think, the more I write.

  • kevin Boundy AKA the ghost
    16 years ago

    Yea its the same with me today some one said they wanted to fight me but i controled myself but tomorow he says hes going to come up to me. hehe i long for that moment. (i know it sounds really juvenille) but he hit a girl. all the bets are off now

  • Lyrehv
    16 years ago

    I just love it...,, then, my friends love to share their experiences with me... im the one who expresses their heartaches and feelings..,,, and it is also one way of expressing my thoughts..,,,

  • XxBR0K3NxX
    16 years ago

    iiTS OWN ARTiiSTiiC WAY.