Who I Am:

by Scott Cole   Feb 6, 2015

Everyone has a purpose; a reason; a cause,
Or none of us would be here at all.
We were all born with a plan in mind,
It's our duty to search and find.
So explore all your highs and lows,
But keep an opened mind though.
Always take in and then release,
Searching for that missing piece.
A clearer picture will then appear,
Grab onto that and keep it near.
Search for yourself in all your days,
Picking up clues along the way.
Apply all to your life to what you do,
For all of that is part of you.
Stay on track be patient and prey,
Cauae even Rome wasn't built in a day.
Search your soul and your mind,
And all you are is what you find.
Learn your heart inside and out,
Keep only the love remove the doubt.
When you do that you might start to see,
A clearer picture of who you should be.
It's the inside what no one sees,
That makes up all living things.
So the next time you wonder who you are,
Remember in God's eyes we are all a star.
We are all very special in many ways,
Find yourself and see better days.
For all are unique on this Earth,
So shine your light and show your worth.
When others see that real you,
Then you have discovered yourself too.
Thanks to God and his mighty plan,
For every woman and every man.


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