
by Megadrive   Feb 25, 2008


Its damp and hazy with too much smoke in the air.
The neon lights dance in my eyes
as they flash around the clusters of people.

I sit at the unsanitary bar, with spills and grim everywhere.
The disgraceful bartender with foul hands
asks about another drink.

I stare at him with my somber smile
and prolong my head shake of no.
I turn back around to again look at the vague figures.

The band plays hard, the singer
screams her lyrics
of what she believes is pain.

Her amber hued hair swings,
while the energy in her voice draws out the crowds frustrations
as they collide with each other like rams.

I patiently wait and observe
as the band finishes their show
and she walks off the darkened stage.

I arise and pay the repulsive bartender
and begin to walk out the door
of the establishment driven so deep into Detroit.

The sidewalks are lined with decaying
mortals. The lighting is dreary on the water paved streets.
And she walks with a sense of haste.

Men stand next to their alleyways
where the light doesn't dare creep.
Their eyes follow her motion and one begins to walk forward.

She passes him with a small glance;
her black leather coat thrashes behind her gait.
She searches for something in her pockets,

as she turns the corner of Berkley.
I follow with a much softer pace,
as the man begins to leave his shady alley.

Before another step was taken
I gave the man my somber smile,
and flashed the sliver glinting knife towards his throat.

No threat was spoken, but he knew
he wasn't going any farther.
He softly said please as he slowly moved back to his alley.

I passed Berkley and watched her go into her brick apartment.
I wait a moment and walk through the door with peeling paint
and up the stairs of the cracking wood.

I walk to door number 27 on the left,
and check for proof that its locked
and hear the music play.

I softly pace across the creaking floor
to the end of the hall
and take my seat in front of the window.

Megan. Copyrighted.

Hey everyone, its been a long time! I wrote this for my creative writing class, I hope you enjoy, its much different than what I normally write, and I really enjoyed writing it. The assignment was a Persona poem, so this obviously is not something from my actual point of view. Have a great day! And thanks for reading!

I hate P&Q sometimes, cause it wont let me put certain punctuations in the poem, which makes it all incorrect!


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