Scared and scarred

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Mar 18, 2008

Times are changing
But I'm scared to move on
Living in a world
That I don't quite belong

Whispers of the past
They always taunt me
Nightmares instead of dreams
Continue to haunt me

I think I forgot how to love
And with a broken dance I cry
No amounts of cuts
Could ever bleed out the pain inside

The pale clouds above me
Pour down a gentle rain
The dim rays of the sun
Only ever increase the pain

It's easier to let go
Than to hold onto your hand
Because I know deep down
You'll never really understand


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  • 16 years ago

    by Lacie

    I really like this poem, it.. how say.. "spoke to me" i like it and you should keep it up,
    It reminds me of a poem i wrote.. i think thats why i like it so much. :D

  • 16 years ago

    by Mello193

    As good as ever! Great job once again

  • 16 years ago

    by hopefulsmile

    Good poem i like it soo much coz i feel that related to it in some how, and it's very expressive, well done.

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