
by Poet on the Piano   Apr 2, 2009

Both good and bad,
Always gnawing away,
Never seeming to be extinct,
Pushing you straight to the center spotlight.
Spinning all life in directions,
Be deeply observant,
Think about your,



A rictameter is a nine line poetry form. The 1st and
last lines are the same with the syllable count as follows:

line 1 - 2 syllables - same as line 9
line 2 - 4 syllables
line 3 - 6 syllables
line 4 - 8 syllables
line 5 - 10 syllables
line 6 - 8 syllables
line 7 - 6 syllables
line 8 - 4 syllables
line 9 - 2 syllables - same as line 1


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  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Good job on the format, MaryAnne:)

    Choices....sometimes we have to make them without having access to all the data that is needed to make a fair one. Life can be so hard at times:)

    Excellent work, as usual:)


    5/5 Ingrid