Fire Dance

by ddavidd   Mar 15, 2019

Influenced by "Asturias"

Burning and glowing
of the jubilant jumping sparkles,
it comes to dance
the paragon that exceeds the borders of inclusion
and with its grey crown
upon the Fire Temple's throne.

in the miniature of your niceties
on the briery flames of your passion,
with your crimson cape
in the protraction of winds:

like the field poppy blooms
like the burning chests of lovers
that thrive in acanthoid shoots of pain
that blast in the red roses
of their blood.


And the wood burns.
In its pirouetting toes,
it is the gold dance of fire that unfolds:

The vigorous dance of citrus gardens!
The effervescing dance of wine,
the effusing dance of the vineyards!
The dance of shoots
with rays of light!
The dance of zephyrs
with the branches of green
with the music of their shapes!

The yellow dance of wheat fields!
The dance of the golden waves
oscillating all day
bending and standing
swaying their swollen lust
again and again!

The green dance of meadows
with colours,
with the amplitude of rainbows!


Glowing and groaning,
flames stretch
in their clawing, at air:

Alas, dancer:
What are you insinuating?
Where does your insinuation come from,
in the burning wood of what lust,
on the woodstove of what soreness and sorrow?

-in respond
fire scatters her hair-


Let me soar to the apex of fire!
Let me burn in adversity of wounds!
Let me burn in the flame of your eyes:
in the flames of your brown conflagration,

in the rain soaked jungles of pines,
In the burning wood of pains
in the jungles of scraping truths,
in the olden jungle of youth,
in the jungle of the battle for survival,
the jungle of battle for the share of light,

in the aim of triumph,
in the mere aim
daring to be!

come to dance,

like the life in its flame
like flames in their glows!

Climb the mountain of comburent hands
knots by knots
reaching out
in the temple of
molten sun
in glorious dawn!

and burn
like me to the end,
to the
ashes of night and space,
to the galaxies
of embers and scintillas.


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