Land of make believe ..::wait there for me::..

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Dec 9, 2005

Close your eyes now
And awake in your dreams
Go to a world of your own
The land of make believe

Dance on its clouds
Sit under its purple skies
Let me hold you there
Gaze into your eyes

Ride the wild horses
Smell the flowers so sweet
Take my hand my love
Let me sweep you off your feet

Touch the gentle waters
From the rivers and the seas
Forget all your past
You no longer have the disease

You'e in a world of your own now
A place of your own...
Forget what was there when awake
This is your new home

Lay on the warm beaches
Run and take my hand
Don't be afraid anymore
Just lie with me on the sand

Here everything is perfect
So you can't now awake
Just stay in your dreams my love
Well your life god takes

Remember I love you
And I'm still here
You wont be able to see me
But I'm always near

I must go for now
Leave this place you made
But don't cry my love
Because you couldn't be saved

You can no longer stay here with me
So I'll go to where you are
Trust me my love
It's not very far

We'll be together again soon
Just me and you
So remember my kisses
And I'll be back soon

Stay here for now
Wait here for me
I'll join you again one day
In the world of make believe

Hey, if you didn't understand it. It's about a guy who's love is ill with a disease and is dying. So he's getting her to go to sleep so she'll die in her dreams, and he's talking to her, comforting her while it happens and telling her he'll join her there soon


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sean

    I love u. these are so good.

  • 18 years ago

    by eternitySOlong

    Very symbolic and dreamy. I don't know what else to say. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~ it now, very good indeed, it's really sweet. I love it.

  • 18 years ago

    by яock godеѕѕ

    Wow...that was really great keep it up... check out some of my poems.. Nat

  • 18 years ago

    by Rena

    Hey. i understood that. it was amazing. every word fit perfectly into the story!

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