Poems by Angel Slain

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  • Yet another bystander watches me pass by their...
    They tutt at the shattered glass in mine...

  • A sullen saviour sees only duty,
    He acts as no Hero to anyone...

  • To be able to talk to a listening ear,
    about my loneliness...

  • Naive (1)

    Tell me what I know...

  • Oh sweet Angel,
    What have you done...

  • I hold my hand steady,
    No-one would know of the nervousness within it...

  • Moths that fly inside my heart,
    My used heart, so numb and cold...

  • Never question what was said.
    The expected choice of path to tread...

  • The smell of a rose cannot be as blossomed,
    as the essence of a beggar man's word...

  • A soul or two in my behest,
    I try to conjure up the rest...

  • I swore revenge on an old poor man today,
    But not everyone agreed it should end this way...

  • Mr Hangman
    Today is not your day...