Some calm...reflection

  • Michael
    6 years ago

    Hi to all on PnQ :)

    I really feel that when there are tough and challenging times that effect us humans, it really is things we could do without. This is not the case, and they do happen. For one we are all unique, which is broad in the sense of one, in other words so complex.
    Inevitably the energy we conserve, can be utilised so rapidly.

    I would very much like to put some positivity back into PnQ, The site is really incredible, and reaches out as far as it possibly can with other members, unique in itself?? :)
    The people behind 'poems and quotes' I would just like to say how thankful I am that this site exists, for many reasons and quite personal ones. Its free! for poets and authors to come together, however that happens, incredible. So thank you All Moderators, I feel I am getting to know you, albeit slowly but as far as we can.
    There is an amazing connection here, and that is respectful.

    I feel that we all as poets and authors feel that the art of poetry has no boundaries or rules. This makes me feel so safe, because its understood by other people and what it implies, as there is respect, trust and love expelling the fear. It makes sense to me, I hope this does to you :)

    Everything has to work itself out, but for that to happen, it really is down to us :)

    So after all that babbling, maybe this thread can just be used for some positivity, whatever that is. So So many poems here on PnQ are mind-blowing, inspirational, thought provoking and the emotions are so genuine. So I would like to say to all the poets, you are brilliant writers. in fact we are all fabulous and brilliant.

    So come on, bring some of that emotional positive energy here and give PnQ some help. Or tell me to shut up haha :)

    Love to you all

    Michael xx :)

  • mossgirl19 replied to Michael
    6 years ago

    Thank you for your lovely words, Michael.

    We are all unique, with unique strengths and weaknesses, and we have our own battles to face. We look at things differently but our love for poetry and the magic that it works in our lives bind us together as a family.

    This site is a precious place for me ever since I joined back in my high school days. It is one place where I was able to understand, improve and appreciate my poetry as well as those of others. This is like a completely different, beautiful world, full of many wonders, full of magic, pixie dusts and enchantments. Hah, yes, that is how I see this place. The people I have come to know here are some of the best people I have known, and it doesn't matter even if we have not seen each other personally.

    The kind of poetry we have here is diverse and outstanding. I look forward to a stronger PnQ this 2018. I know this is just some phase we have to go thru...and we will overcome. Some may have left, but rest assured their beautiful poetry is with us, and we will surely see them again soon.

    In the words of a good poet friend here on PnQ, Gary Jurechka,

    Peace, Power and Poetry to all!

  • Milly Hayward replied to Michael
    6 years ago

    What a great idea. Michael.
    P&Q is a haven for many, a place to read and share poetry and make friends. I think most of us come here initially to share a love poetry but find themselves welcomed quickly into the P&Q family. Certainly, for me I have never found a place quite like it before.

    Where else can you find such a wide mix of creative people in many different locations, ages, backgrounds, skills and experience all brought together in this one place by their shared passion for poetry. It is a pleasure to turn on my laptop and check in with friends, read the latest poetry, get involved in the latest posts in fact the only downside is It can rapidly become all consuming and turn into a full time endeavour in the nicest possible way.

    So many people freely give of their time to others here. Whether coaching or encouraging, moderating, hosting feeds, commenting, nominating or judging competitions and that doesn’t count all the hands offered in friendship that regularly are given here or the private messages of support when someone is going through a particularly bad time.

    I am very proud to be part of this wonderful community. It is a beacon of light in a world often full of darkness

  • CJ Maleney
    6 years ago


    I think you and I are of a similar mind set.

    I've only just caught up on what has transpired. I feel everything is not without purpose. If I have doubts then they exist for a reason.

    There are ulterior motives and agenda here! It's not assumption dude, but I know and I read.

    Perhaps I read into things that are not there!

    Perhaps sometimes I get it right.

  • Poet on the Piano
    6 years ago

    Michael, thank you for starting this thread and spreading some positive energy!

    Much respect to you all and I thank each and every one of you who have helped PnQ truly become a haven for many.

    It's been over ten years since I joined, thanks to a friend telling me about the site. At first, I wrote cheesy love poems that rhymed, a lot of them were about Edward Cullen ;) But I've kept coming back, so often, in times of needing a safe place to express myself. Writing has given me that opportunity to live authentically and find myself and my voice.

    Cheers to you all <3 *holds up glass of imaginary wine*

  • naaz replied to Michael
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Very nice thread, sir, and your timing is just too good.
    I fully agree with yours, Milly and others thoughts about this site.
    There is some magic in this site. It's a whole new world.
    Once you visit here and meet the people, talk with them, know them through their work, you don't wanna leave.
    There is always something new happening here. I recently read Darren's thread on smartphones and read different opinions and learned the pros and cons of carrying a smartphone.
    Everlasting, thread about writer's block is quite captivating. I read how people feel when they find themselves into this loophole and are there ways to come out of it.

    And this one, obviously, is already spreading the positive vibes through out the site keeping together the members just like the gravity of the sun keeps all the planets in their position.

    Sir, Thank you, for spreading the message of peace and love!

  • silvershoes
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Great thread. I like what MA said about PnQ being a haven. It has been exactly that for me so many times in my life. No one outside of PnQ and my immediate family knew I wrote poetry until about 5 years ago, and I continue to be fairly private about it. I share things here that are deeply personal to me, and I feel safe doing it. That is a wonderful thing. There is magic here among so much talent and kinship! MA raised an imaginary glass of wine, but I'm on my second glass of chardonnay and feeling a little toasty haha. Cheers!!

  • Dagmar Wilson
    6 years ago

    This site has been my safety net for some time. I have released and shared some very deep and personal information I have not told anybody. We are in this together we support eachother, encourage eachother, laugh and cry. I have met some amazing people here who have encouraged and uplift me off the site. Thank you Michael for bringing this to our attention.

  • Michael
    6 years ago

    Hi All :)

    Wow! what a lovely response to this thread. So nice to read all of your posts, which so feels coming from yours/my heart. It is here where we learn so much about other writers and authors, and of course some not so happy reading but there is a reality with that.

    If 'positive' were a currency, I would have wasted so so much on buying 'negativity' :). Now I concentrate and focus on the 'positive' which leaves very little change out of the negative, however that change is about learning and self-discoveries.

    positivity- brings an energy that flows through us, helping us to smile, laugh, think and be thankful (even a dance round the living room)

    Thank you all poets, writers, authors and moderators for showing some love and support here and hopefully lift PNQ's spirit :)

    but the thread stays open 24/7 come and spend your positive wisely!

    Much Love as always

    Michael xx

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Michael
    6 years ago

    Wonderful thread, Michael.
    This past Friday marked my 10 year anniversary on PnQ.
    Spent the first three years just minding my own business. Then Sunshine (Rania) prompted me onto the main boards.
    So much strife back then!!! - came close to clamming up again but I stuck to the public boards, made friends, became a jackass mod & then lightened up & better off for it.
    All I was looking for was a place to save my poems written over a lifetime. What I found was a family.
    I've seen so many cycles on this site, comings, goings, returns, . . . up & downs of activities.
    Janis, though he usually disappears, at least has generally left us the basics (come on, man, restore the clubs!)
    In a way PnQ is like Texas weather: if you don't like what's going on, wait ten minutes - it'll change.
    Most of all I find some awe inspiring poetry and thought provoking artists here. Glad to be a part of it!!!!

  • deeplydesturbed
    6 years ago

    Michael - what a wonderful thread!
    I have nearly hit 12 years on (and a few years off) this site and have mostly stuck to myself until the club the Collaborators was started.

    I have found many a friendships that I hold extra close to my heart.
    I couldnt wish for a better home or family to share my most inner thoughts with that I can not simply say out loud here..

    For that - thank you to everyone here..