
by David   Mar 27, 2008

You wake up in the morning, and follow the same routine that you have been following day in and day out. You turn off your alarm clock, rub your eyes, head for the bathroom, and so on. You look yourself over in the mirror before hitting the door to leave for the usual day of work. You proceed this routine for only one simple fact. This is what has been expected, instilled in your mind and soul as the true reason you exist. Yes granted the usual weekly, monthly, or in some cases daily, unexpected happens and throws you off track for a brief moment. You pick yourself up after handling yourself with dignity and poise, realizing you can and will go on. For tomorrow will bring the same alarm clock and the same eyes to rub.

Although I have already answered the question I want to ask, I will still indeed. I ask you, not being ignorant or pushy, simply, why? Now yes, why is a very scary question for most to think about, let alone actually answer. This is because most do not have the answer and for that they become scared. You can certainly answer this question with my knowledge I have shared with you. Or you can investigate your own reasoning behind the close door of your life. The door I am referring to is that in which only you have access. Behind this door you are able to let go of all fears and doubts. Behind that door you are not protecting yourself from the judgments most thresh upon you. You are not worried by the mistakes you may make, and most definitely will make, you simply are being yourself.

After weeks or even months of close door sessions you have come up with an answer. That is when I hear back from you. You may be shocked from that statement, asking yourself how in the world would I hear back from you when you have not contacted me. I can answer that question very simply. I hear back from you the morning that follows your answering of my question. I know this because you have switched your routine, am I right? You have realized that routine can become over bearing, it can run your life without you even knowing. Routine has been the problem all along. Now when you wake in the morning what is the very first thing you do? Maybe its as simply as rubbing your eyes before hitting that alarm clock. Maybe you open the shades to let in the beautiful rays the sunrise produces. Many only start small in this process. But trust me friend you will eventually gain many strides in your quest to throw off this now unwelcome power.

Now that we are making progress, let me ask a few more questions. Has it been worth it? Have you noticed what I have? Can you see the impact many around you see also? You see its not only that you have finally opened your eyes to routine. It is not that simple, in fact its extremely complicated and complex. You see, you have opened your door! You have let me inside of what you thought to be protected. You may not understand truly how or why, but trust me, you have let go.

Inside that door I could finally see what you see. You have let down that guard you have been so fiercely standing behind. I could actually see what I wanted to for so very long. Not the allusions that I thought to be true, but the real you. You see in the process of answering a complex question about ones life, we eventually forget. We get so rapped up focusing on one part we loose track of the others. But dont be alarmed, you are not entering danger, in fact you are lifting any such danger by yourself.

Basically youve realized the potential that many others around you already see. Youve broken down the once walls that you thought would protect you. By answering my question you have showed your true personality. You have forgotten the flaws you took so much time to hide. You have forgotten to establish and maintain the barriers to protect yourself against someones interests. You have let go all of fears and doubts. You are now not protecting yourself from judgments made by others. And you are certainly now not worried about the mistakes you may possibly make, and the ones you will most definitely make. You see you are now truly being yourself.

Are you feeling vulnerable? Dont be, for this is the next path that leads to a new quest and new questions!


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