What hurts the most

by Frank the Great   Apr 15, 2008

What hurts the most

Is having great friends and family
Then being torn apart so suddenly
Wanting to come home
Because without them you feel alone
Having to pay for bad decisions
Because you couldn't function under such conditions
Wanting to be free
So I could come home you see
Struggling thru deep depression
My life is at a recession
But knowing I'm coming home to a smiling face
Is more than enough to help me thru this twisty life race.

-FTG- This poem is dedicated to the only two girls that have never stopped missing me since i've left.
Lacey Gladden- Thanks for always being there.
Izzy Gilbert- Thank you for being my sister.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Kaitlyn Gilbertson

    Beautiful writing, its touching and easy to relate too...

    Good work=]


  • 16 years ago

    by June

    A beautifully written poem that touched my heart ...I moved some miles away from my family but I missed them so much that I moved again to be closer.

  • 16 years ago

    by Mike Wilburn

    Being homesick is a burden difficult to carry especially when you have to listen to what the man says.

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollywood

    I really liked this alot!

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