9-11-2001- 8:38 a.m.

by Royal   Apr 16, 2008

This is a Work In Progress. This Is not Finished.
Let me Know How I'm doing.

I wonder if its true.
Because most rumors say,
That people wouldn't know GOD
If he stood in their face.
Would they believe me if I told them
I Am God.

How about a test just to see
How in touch they are with me.
Unspoken horrors are destined for this date.
If i can find just one I'll spare all's fate.

9-11-2001- 8:40 a.m.

As I walk the streets in disguise I hear and see all thoughts.
He just fought his mother. Deep down he wished it stopped.
She used to be my angel now she's knocking Devil's Door.
Not one kind conscience but a far there are a few.
I see them pure as gold, I'll hold their lives those few.

9-11-2001- 8:41 a.m.

I appear at the tower yet to be noticed.
I don't wish to believe what events are unfolding.
I see a person a far and decide he's who'll be tested.
I step to him quickly and say "Sir do you have a second"
He Ignores me scornfully and continues to walk.
I find another "Do you have a moment, I just want to talk.

He stops.... "Yeah what do you want "
What if was here, here just to save your life?
Would you believe what i spoke, or deem me a lie.
He looks at me and laughs. "Who are you God?"
"I am That I am" And I know you name is Todd
Three Kids you have and living is your job.
I know you, your innocence was robbed.

Anger fills his heart as he grabs for my shirt.
"Have you been watching me buddy"
Do you wish to get hurt?
"Just listen to my words or you are sealed to this fate.
Shut up man you're making me late.
82 is my floor and I don't believe in fate.
Thanks "God" thanks alot you've been great.

Whisk me to my floor if you are who you say ........
Exactly what I thought you're pretend just a fake.

9-11-2001- 8:44 a.m.

The rumors are


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nicole the Fairy

    Nice poem ;]

    A little confusing though. Eventually I understood it. Still a nice poem ;]

    - 4 / 5 -

    - Nicole x