Here Under The Tree

by Syrus   Nov 1, 2008

Here under the tree
A life hanging in the balance
There he stood a broken man
Told of unforeseen blackness
An anguish in his heart
You sat and listened
Hearing of a life gone wrong
How a tormented mind
A heavy head on the brink
An empty soul left drowning,
Told you of the saddest story you'll ever know,
He tries to hold back but you came closer
His eyes filled with tears and suffering
A loss so deep, a heart so far gone
Doubt and fear grips him in a blanket of coldness,
But you come nearer once more
Shattering this world of eluded hope
And bringing peaceful times once lived.
It was here that life can be found,
This is where despair and strife can't be heard of,
Where love is always found,
Here under the tree...


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