Destiny awaits...

by Dark Storm   Dec 5, 2008

I open my eyes to see myself
floating slowly upward
Wow, I cant believe it
My time has come to move forward

as I approach the kingdom of heaven
I see the outline of a girl
The most beautiful, gracefull, most magnificent femail
i think I have ever laid eyes on

soft blue hair
as light as the new winter snow
skin soft and colored to that of the ripest peach

Her eyes captivated me
the color of the peaceful sea
so deep, so real
that you could just jump right into those calm, placid waters

among all of her beauties
her wings caught my eye the most
they were light blue, the color of hope

She stood at the gates, looking out into the horizon
As if searching for something
or someone

Another angel approached me
Cream wings with a luminescent glow
Lavender hair with deep purple eyes like that of a summers night

"Tell me, are you ready to come into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father?" She asked, her voice like that of a breeze in the forest

"Yes, I am ready. But please, calm my questioning mind. Tell me who that angel is there" I said, looking at the blue winged beauty

"You know her, for she has always been with you, all the days of your life." The cream winged angel smiled.

"R-really? Then why do I not know her name?" I asked, very confused

"You see, she never reveals her name. Its said almost every day in your human life, but you never take notice of it. Her name be Destiny, and she is what brought you here today." She said, her purple eyes glowing.

"So, Destiny helps everyone? And she's the reason I'm here. Why is that?" I looked upon Destiny's figure and wondered how i could be so blessed to know her.

"You were very lucky to get her as your Guardian. She's been waiting a long time to meet you in person. Come along, for Destiny awaits..."


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