
by Summer   Jan 6, 2009

Just thought Id give you an update... In the chance that you still check this.

Im getting reconstructive shoulder surgery on Feb 3rd. I tore a ligament in my shoulder when I fell off of Bella a few months ago. It shouldnt be that bad. Theyre doing it orthoscopicly (sp?) so Im just gonna have two holes on the front and back of my shoulder. The bad part is that I have to have my arm in a sling that makes me stick my arm straight out in front of me. Im gonna look so dumb! The WORST part is that I have to stay out of the saddle for FOUR months!!! Im trying to ride as much as possible before the third because of that.

Hey, just my luck, we finally got an English riding instructor! And take a wild guess what her name is... Maria... Of course it would be that. I overheard the barn owner say "Maria is on her way down to the barn." I threw up and started hyperventilating... That was wonderful.

I got into NC State! I didnt apply anywhere else so its a damn good thing :-0 I was gonna apply to UNCW and ECU as a back-up, but after I did the State application I was too lazy to do another one.

I miss you so much, M. Can you believe that I still cry at night when I think about never getting to see you again... which is pretty much all of the time... but I only let it out every few days. I still treasure that Hopewell volleyball sweatshirt that you borrowed from me like its a pot of 10 ct diamonds. I still have the hair-tie on my arm :-). It still hasnt come off. Damn, Im one pathetic SOB.

Anyway, Im probably typing all of this out for no reason. I doubt you even remember me, let alone care about me. Well, whether you do or dont give a damn about me, I still Love you so very much. Youre still my #1 best friend. Man, I miss seeing you. I miss being a BHOC. I dream about getting to touch your soft... freckly :-)... skin (how pathetic/disturbing).

I Love you, Lovely!


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