Love Letter

by ibelievedhim   Jul 11, 2009

Dear boy,

I'm finding the strength to start over brand new
its hard to wake up in a life without you
where i miss your kiss and your arms tight around me
you showed me the parts no one else could see.

honest and open, a bond was made.
a love i thought you'd never trade.
thrown out like garbage, compared to the rest.
making jokes for feelings you needed to test.

a love i have that's still so strong
you thought was fake, silly, and wrong.
a love that i water and continue to grow
you're my everything, i won't let go.

its time i think to face what's true
so many loves, but i choose you.
ill do what I've done from the start.
loving you with my disfigured heart.

<3 hurtbyyourrejection


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  • 14 years ago

    by Em

    So emotional, deep and powerful. 5/5. Em x

  • 14 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    A powerful heartfelt write... that touches the heart. You've expressed yourself very well in this poem, and did a wonderful job on it :) I agree, a little "cleanup" on your punctuation and it is a winner! The last line especially nailed this poem you have penned. Fantastic... and very well done!

  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "Dear boy,

    I'm finding the strength to start over brand new
    its hard to wake up in a life without you
    where i miss your kiss and your arms tight around me
    you showed me the parts no else could see."

    My only suggestion would be to capitalize all your "i"s in this piece, its just proper grammar.

    And in the last line, "one" should be placed after "no".

    Otherwise, a expressive and good opening, you grabbed my full attention.

    "honest and open, a bond was made.
    a love i thought you'd never trade.
    thrown out like garbage, compared to the rest.
    making jokes for feelings you needed to test."

    Nice work so far but I would have the first, second, and third line changed to having comma's at the ends, instead of periods. I think it would read better if there were just pauses, not complete stops.

    "a love i have that's still so strong
    you thought was fake, silly, and wrong.
    a love that i water and continue to grow
    you're my everything, i won't let go."

    I love how you show your determination here, you are so strong and passionate. I loved how you said "a love that I water", that was brilliant.
    Very well-expressed emotions...

    "its time i think to face what's true
    so many loves, but i choose you.
    ill do what I've done from the start.
    loving you with my disfigured heart."

    "its" should be "it's".
    "ill" should be "I'll".

    The ending was very powerful, you clearly stated your feelings and thoughts.

    4/5 from me, just work on your punctuation and grammar.

    Have a good week..


  • 15 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    "ill do what I've done from the start.
    loving you with my disfigured heart.

    These particular lines brought your poem full circle. We should never have to hang on to a thread of love hoping it wil be returned.. But we all do (*_*)
    Enjoyable read.

  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Well written and so genuinly loving.
    If this man truly loves you, he will come running when he reads this.
    In love, there must always be a way to undo any wrong and to forgive and forget. It's so easy to just walk away when things get rough, but as you go, you find out that you take yourself with you.
    I will keep them crossed for you, girlie;)


    5/5 Ingrid