Injuries they left

by Nobody   Jul 15, 2009

I didnt used to be this way
there once was a time
when i had simpler days

carefree and happy
that was me
perky and optimistic
i used to be

but slowly over time
the cruelness began to take its toll
it tore away the happiness
that kept me completely whole

i couldnt take their cruel laughter
their taunts and totures
the names they would call me
i soon began to break

they didnt understand
they left small cuts on my soul
that began ooze and puss
left scars that wouldnt fade

it wasnt one big lash which left me broken
no it was a million tiny ones
criss crossed the surface of my heart
that slowly tore me apart

*****the kids at school never understood
bullying is sick thing*****


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