My Antonia

by Mello193   Feb 24, 2010

Was true, I was young
when i met you then
a tad bit older
but i loved you then

we spoke seperate languages
but sat each day
i have come far with no road back
one day i promise i will find a way

back to you
and everything we had
by your side i will stay
for i am not just any lad

my antonia
the woman i long for
miles, worlds, and years away
i will arrive at your door


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  • 6 years ago

    by James Dittes

    I think you really captured Jim Burden's feelings here--in such a short space, too.

  • 12 years ago

    by East Poetry

    A girlfriend light years away!! lol a very interesting concept. unique indeed.

  • 14 years ago

    by lost in lovee

    I love this poem. Partly because my name is Antonia, but also because it was beautifully written. I feel the emotions that you were feeling. The flow was great. My favorite part was.

    "my antonia
    the woman i long for
    miles, worlds, and years away
    i will arrive at your door "

    I hope you go back to her. 5/5

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