The map of a human

by dancing in the dark   May 12, 2010

Blue and White sheltered me from the outside world
Made acquaintances with the tall green grass and was decently exposed by the beaming rays of the sun.
nearly close encounters burned the surface of my virgin skin
My morals were straight, I knew never to get to close.

The tall camouflaged man would leave his love as his farewell statement
Alone I was, caring for my 12 year old frame
He indulged in the East Coast
As I resided in the West

3 day round trip tickets was never enough
And missing you never numbed the pain
Without your presence I was subjected to narcotics
No matter what situation I was in the booze never ran out.

November 2007 I looked love in the eye, I met my match
A dumbfounded boy made love to my heart he gave me certainty,
A peace of mind, although once disturbed it was never restored
12 hours and two years apart distance eventually made us adjourn.

And now my heart is left here to beat, beat as though you were never here.

Ever since age 6 and up I've been the crab on the beach no shell, no armor
Running, escaping from the on coming tides. Tides of resentment and shame
Those I never want to face.

Appearance with a caked on face, a smile sometimes.
But on the inside I'm bubbling, bubbling with foreign chemicals of
Fear, secrets, and just the parts that are missing.

Take a map, and this key, find out who I really am.


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