Living life today

by Ezra   Jul 25, 2010

The quality of my actions
Today determine the quality
Of my life tomorrow.
I have choices every day!

What the poem says to me:

The things I do today determine
My treatment tomorrow
If I hide my face today,
then tomorrow, No one can see me eyes.

If I hide my self today,
then tomorrow I'll hide from their eyes.
If I stand tall and hold my head up tall today,
Then tomorrow all will no my name.

If I raze my voice when I speak from the back today,
Then tomorrow all will know my will.
If I stand tale and keep my words
of wounds unsaid,
then tomorrow I'll see their souls;
each person for who they are.

Today I'll struggle, but tomorrow
I'll know their words,
If only today they speak to me
So tomorrow I'll hold my hand out
For them to grab

I'll do what I can because
I can only do so much.


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