My head it rings

by Tanitha   Mar 15, 2011

Stop this buzzing noise in my head

Stop it!!
Please stop the pain I'm feeling deep down

It's not my fault the world falls apart
It's not my fault I murder my own soul
But it is my faul, everything is my fault

Why can't you just let me go?
Let me run in the forest with porcupine
Sing with ghost at the grave yard

Don't torture me, I'm already been tortured
Love me, I demand you to!!
But what is love?

Oh, hello stranger, you have a beautiful eyes
Will you be my lover?
We can concur the world like Jesus

Oh sweet memory of my childhood
I keep throwing rock at that woman in the water
She look like me, only paler

I lost my will to live, but I don't want to die yet
Would you kill me?
But you have to let me live right after

I'll stay under your bed, watching your every move
That is how much I love you
You're mine!!

Forgive my impulsiveness
Forgive my straight forwardness
But don't you ever dare to forgive my lies

I told you I was happy
And I told you I don't believe in Sunday morning mass
Why do you have to put me in chain?

I'm not crazy, I'm just depressed
These words don't make any sense
I know you care so much

Why me?
Praise Satan! Praise lord!
Which is which I need to choose?

Let's play hide and seek in the graveyard
I need to see my shadow fade as the sun rises
Let my skin burn! BURN!!

I love you spring, you remind me of my death
While winter remind me of how cold I was
Summer just disgust me, it reminds me of you

Stay with the fire that burns through the hills
Don't run to your pretty little shelter
I will find you in your mind!

Love, love, love
I don't do love

Stop this buzz in my head
Just chop my head off
Wait, then who's head am I holding?

Stranger, stranger...
If I live again, I wanna be a stranger
I'd be a beautiful stranger

Stop this buzzing in my head
It keep saying the same word


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