Existence is a bead of light

by East Poetry   Apr 30, 2011

Existence is a bead of light
Relative in size.
As tiny as it is infinite,
And we are all inside.

Careening through an endless deep,
in everything and "All"
Falling in a perfect circle.
yet the straightest line of all.
(John 13:32)
(D&C 3:2)
(Alma 37:12)

The deep, an endless place, a one'ness,
yet a trio'ed symphony.
Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
In a perfect harmony.

(D&C 35:1-2)

"Cause" more transcendent than even light,
still one particle set free.
As Gods Omega, it's everything,
and It weighs infinity!

(see my poem "The Cause")

To actually weigh infinity,
among thee most crazy things.
Only ONE particle can do this
And Let me tell you what it brings!

It brings an infinity of gravity!
What exactly could that mean?
An infinite deep to fall within,
its key to everything.

Gods Omega weighs infinity,
there is no "outer" it must win.
Hence the gravity that it creates,
must instead reside... with in!

Hmm...Perhaps a bit confusing,
let me give you more insight.
God the fathers Omega... is a PARTICLE,
more transcendent then even light.

Creating a force so epic,
It's got gravity insane!!
Because it is sooo... Infinite,
where could this gravity remain?

His particle is sooo... everywhere,
there is no "outer" place to give!
So naturally on the inside,
is where this gravity MUST live.

Like all gravity in physics,
It governs over space!
A space directly proportional
to the mass that's in it's place.

If the mass that's in its place
is truly infinite in size.
Then the space it gravitates,
is exactly equal in my eyes.

As causality of infinite weight.
it creates an Geometric place.
A place of infinite true emptiness
inside our fathers grace.

A place of "never ending" gravity!
Naturally... trying to be NIL!
An infinite size black hole,
Now becomes a thing of real.

Now... knowing that a normal black hole
would shred one to a tee.
Know, that this is 'ONE" unique black hole,
... it's made from infinity.

So...an endless amount of matter, (us all!)
Could fall toward it's heart,
in a literal straight line forever,
and never shred apart.

Existence is a bead of light
Relative in size.
As tiny as it is infinite,
And we are all inside.

Moving through an endless bulk,
in everything and "All"
Falling in a perfect circle.
yet in the straightest line of all.
(John 13:32)
(D&C 35:2)

This would be "THE" black hole,
that one would "want" to fall inside.
To remain unscathed forever,
on a never ending ride.

Put there, by God above!
a place to put his Son and us,
to experience in love!

What's crazy is Gods particle,
That puts this infinite gravity in place.
is also the alpha at its center (as Christ)
that generates its weight.

One in the same, One in the same,
One in the same, my friend.
God, the Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end!

(Read my poem ONE in the SAME)

AND... the alpha at it's center,
His son, he made for us as light.
Who's ultimate cosmic replica
is a star of infinite might!

Only one particle can do this,
In fact only one particle exists!
And infinite particles "being us all"
Exists inside its mists!

Its mists, is our great universe.
Dominated by stars, too, one in same.
where one pure light holds it all.
And we pray inside his name.

We know our matter is not flawless.
Like the matter of Christs light.
He walks in matter perfectly,
and "for us" he wins the fight.

So it's in this place of Gravity,
or space of infinite size.
God did say "let there be light"
and His son he did arise.

To exist for all infinity,
no matter what the price.
One particle had to shoulder it all
My HERO, Jesus Christ.

For an infinite sacrifice must be made,
to prove and make "ALL" pure.
For if "ALL" was not thus perfect.
then nothing would endure.

And "nothing", despite its power.
Is simply not the case.
For everything exists... and so,
our God sits in this place.

The cosmos, our spirits, our bodies,
Are a trio'd symphany.
While most may never understand
It's clear as day to me.

(this poem is continued...)
Read my other poems

Put "within" it all
Truths Perfection


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  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    Wow, this was long!!
    Those scientists searching for the meaning of life should just pick up a bible. I like the fact you write in a talking rather than the written word style. People do not talk like the written word. It sounds unnatural, because your poems speak as dialogue it works for me,


    It'ed be a physicists wet dream.

    Totally bad english if written word, however as spoken makes perfect sense.
    (funny how this line stands out!!)

    Is the object of this poem to explain away theories? Infinite matter, black holes, gravity. The circle of mobius (the mobius strip)

    Or is this one in the eye for the scientists.

    thanks for the read.

    I gave it 4/5 purely because there were a couple of spelling mistakes and a few stray capitols.

  • 11 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Existence is a bead of light
    Relative in size.
    As tiny as it is infinite,
    And we are all inside...

    I really liked your words here. Well written bro.

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    Lol... Ya it is a bit long. Lol

  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    An infinity of gravity!!

    Wow! what exactly could that mean?
    I'll tell you this right now my friend,
    It'd be a physicists wet dream.

    ^^ This was hilarious. I just wanted to state that lol..

    Wow, when I meant I wanted you to expand the first poem, I didn't mean this long haha. BUT....this was INCREDIBLE! and I have the dear that since its so long, a lot of people wont read and might get confused. I read every stanza down to the end and it was such a good piece! This almost needs to be in the religion section of poetry.
    The way you repeated infinity, gravity, the weight, with the Omega, I just loved it!!
    I'm not sure what to comment on becuase I could keep rambling, there were just a few spelling errors, but other than that this was "cute" in the beginning, very interesting throughout, and very deep ending!
    GOod job!