Dying Rose

by Innocent Fairy   Oct 11, 2011

The tears drop to the ground,
creating a beautiful blue ocean,
crystal shers of green and blue,
perfectly made from overbearing pain,
her cracking heart,
the i loves you disappearing,
filled with i freaking hate you!
I hope you die in hell!

Looking into the mirror,
she punches the reflection looking back,
not knowing who she is,
or why she's alive,
feeling all alone.

Blood dripping down her fingers,
tears dropping to the ground,
she screams out " I thought you loved me,"
grasping onto the counter,
trying to stop herself from doing the unthinkable.

She tries to grasp reality
for it cracked as she fell from a dream,
coming from the unseen,
the wind could just blow her away,
and death could just take her life,
but there's something pulling,
to make her realize,
to make her see,

A light in the far distance saying,
it's not time,
there is much to do,
this pain will pass,
only to be like dust within a mystery.

The pain will pass she thinks in her head,
tear after tear falling out of her eye,
not knowing if this pain will end,
holding on with everything she has,
she can't take it much longer,
screaming to make it go away,
shes slowly fading away,
like dust within a mystery,
only like a rose diying in a cold winters breeze,
who can help her now?

Poets notes:
This is a collab done with a best friend who is like a sister and we understand eachothers feelings so well like it to be our own so i hope u enjoy and please comment and rate on hers as well :)


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  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    Now this is sum realy gud work..i have read ur earlier collabs,bt dis one is d bst so far..excelent wrk holy and kristian..5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    This poem was very descriptive and I loved the image you created in my mind


  • 12 years ago

    by Bobby

    5/5 I dont have the right words yet, this has left me with my mouth open in amazement, you both did a truly fantastic job on inner feelings