Sitting here

by Nae   Jun 23, 2004

Sitting here
with blood all around
I wonder how did
it come to this?

How did i become depressed?
How did i start to cut myself?
And why can't I stop?

It just helps so much
that it feels so good
why does it seem so bad?

Why can't I cope?
Why can't I be like everyone
Everyone else seems to be able
to cope.. to deal.

Sitting here
with blood all around
I begin to cry
I cry for myself
and my family
and realize
I don't want to go on.
I don't want to move on.

But I must.
I must...


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  • 19 years ago

    by {Ms. Felicia}

    I really liked this poem cause i can relate to it i to wrote one like this and i to tryed cutting my self hope you can read mine sometime and comment your a great writter good job. oh and the poem i wrote starts differently but at the end youll understand great job i give it a 5 hope you can read mine "the words that lead to my death"

    Love Felicia