Road to tears

by Invisible man   Jan 13, 2012

Here i was, sitting at this bus stop with you as we do on a normal morning. Your eyes shine with care and beauty as you glace at me. You smile as you see me looking at you, its no secret that I feel something for you as I know you do for me too.

Your hair slowly gains some air as the breeze flighs by. You slowly lean in to wisper in my ear 'I can't imagine living if I didn't have you ever morning.' Turning to look at you and I see the tear of regret slide down your face.

I ask you what's wrong, but all you do is look into the distance as more tears poor out. I reach to wipe them off but just before I can we are interrupted.

I look behind who has touched my shoulder. I see my friend standing above me. He says the bus is here. We must go I say to you as I turn my head... but you weren't there.

Surprised I stand to look for you. 'She is gone, I'm sorry man but you know there was nothing anyone could do to help here...'
Then again I feel my heart tear as once again I realise its another gone since that one mistake, another day since she took that step, another day I live through trying to convinced myself that it wasn't my fault and that I couldn't do anything about it! But deep inside I know its not enough.

I loved her like no other, and she loved me more than she loved life. She depended on me, and I failed her... yet I still feel her love me, I feel her presence and I see her with every blind. I know she is still with me and she won't let anything happen to me.

As I slowly get onto the bus I see her standing at the sign, waving at me with her hair flying and her smiling. As I sit down next to the window I see her hug me as she would each morning.

The bus moves on and I watch her disappeared into the distance. It was today I would finally see her again, touch her and live again.... today was the day I will be reborn to love her again.

As the bus drove into the distant field my face slowly started to fade from the world and people I knew...


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