Beneath These Broken Wings

by Lu   May 8, 2012

I never did learn to acquire
a taste for rainbows
and all their pangs of death.

And today our vows
became nothing more than
a certificate sinking
in the depths of ignorance,
for we knew nothing of love
and its exhilarate touch
of sunshine.

And as the moon spooned
a hollow within my chest
we parted
and August came
with hungry winds
and moonless air
that dripped
with judgement
and sneered in mirrors
and wept for the flesh
of a kiss after death

beneath these broken
wings lay the strength
to fly again.

A once broken possession
of lies, distrust and
found the true
neighbor to my shadow-
the twin to my soul

The man of my every dream

* For Chel's main forum contest *


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  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    This is a very meaningful piece. The rhythm and the scheme are precisely fitted in the whole story. The spectrum of thoughts depicts the sanity of poem. It is very impressive:)
    One of my fav poem",

  • 12 years ago

    by Nema

    Luu, your poems are just as beautiful as I left them, even more now =)
    The only thing I noticed was the too many 'and's.
    Wonderful work!

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    Judgement should be judgment :)

    I'm a little confused by the poem and didn't keep up throughout the entire contest. I love the sadness and the imagery here. Your third stanza (it's long so I won't copy it) is definitely my favorite. You have a lot of ideas from your other poems incorporated into one :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Well written piece, very meaningful