Fallen Angel ( part 2 )

by Eddie Hoyte   Oct 11, 2012

He was the opposite of the lady i saw
Only his stench and wicked grin
Sent me kneeling down on the floor
The dragon,the lady, both made my head spin

I am your thoughts he said
You an't get rid of me
His words strucked a blow in my head
You see you and i are meant to be

He warned you, the one they call the light
He chased me away from the heavenly kingdom
As he spoke, i could sense he spoke with fright
Now i'm making it even, come my servant come

No! I shouted go to hell beast
Foolish human! Now you're in hell
Come, together let's rule and we shall feast
Feast on my blood, i hear he could tell

Run away from him and hide
Legs were too weak, for me to move
Your soul is mine, he said and smiled
I knew he was right and needed on proof

He only i had turned away from the lady
I'd never had to be in this horrid place
I'd be with God and his angels,maybe...
And i'd never had to stare in this ugly face

On i said, you don't have to decide my life
Weakling, i know you'd never learn
I choose the light and i'm making it my wife
stop this moment he yelled

I could sense i made him angry
For now his breath are now balls of fire
I sensed danger and felt weak and hungry
But i could control what i desire

Them it all dawned to me he fears the light
I pissed him off by choosing his great enemy
I felt strong now and decided to live in the bright
Oh you son of him, why can't you just let me be ?

Now i knew he was afraid of the son of God
Yes i'd make hell hell for him while i'm here
I don't need Arsenal, tanks,uniforms or sword
I'd only call he name of what he fears..,

He'd sense the danger of keeping me alive
He'd tear me to pieces and apart
I could watch him devour me, or fight for my life
Jesus! Jesus!! I heard the words in my heart

With that the brightest light shone
And i felt strong, and whole once again
The light drew me up, and he sensed i'm gone
I felt relieved and felt on more pain

Who's he i asked ?
And i thought he was already a past...
Two words he said to me: FALLEN ANGEL


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