
by Poet on the Piano   Feb 24, 2013

There is one for you and one for me.
We have not set the hour yet for we need
our breaths to emerge like love sailing home
from false oceans.

Though our time isn't here just now,
will you carry me without moving mouths,
washed ashore into silence-
my legs are barbed wire and I want
but there is little I can move...

will you move me?

I cannot imagine our hearts bursting
through life catastrophically,
must we leave in fireballs and ashes
of our resistance.

We will both be weak,
understanding strength is not always
physical but found in past faith.
These ticks will placate into one measure
we can hum our thoughts to peace with.
Sleep will ask us to return and your hand,
so calloused and deprived
will stroke my jawline until I become sure

we will pass through the longest of hours
unscathed but more numb than before,
knowing the bottles filled with sand were
simply messages of deceit...

we will clock our minutes,
we will touch each other's heartbeats
transforming into time itself.

written 2/23/13 @ 11:24 pm


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  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    You have got me, I have read this about 8 times now and I have no idea what the hell this is about or what a 'false ocean' could be....

    I am going to read it again.

    Okay so bottles filled with sand could indicate a time limit of sorts similar to egg timers,

    holy crap apart from that?

    It is good, it is filled with imagery that relates to time and two hearts entwined etc, beating the same path.

    reads really well and has me beat.
