I Promise

by TheDarkCloudBehindthePoet   Jun 7, 2013

Awakening to the sound of a church bell, he finds himself submerged in darkness,
the scent of oak wood filled the air like the time he lost himself in the woods years ago,
perfectly still he laid, with not much room to move,
and very little air to breathe,

He tried desperately to remember his last thought, but then he hears a voice,
strong and powerful were the words he heard,
"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ" rang through his ears,
Now a chill down his spine slithered like a snake in the grass,

He screamed at the top of his lungs, "Please someone help me",
but deaf ears his cries fell upon,
He tried punching and kicking his way out, but the wood was too strong,
gasping for air he has a moment of clarity,

Flashbacks ran through his mind faster than the speed of light,
stopping at his last memory,
he saw himself hopeless and alone with nothing but his shadow as comfort so he pulls out a knife,
Tears flowed like a river, crashing on to the floor,

Cursing all those who mistreated him, and condemning himself to the afterlife,
he sliced his wrist with hopes of glory,
Blood everywhere, he locked the door to make sure his death was a success,
this was how he ended up here,

"Lower the casket", bounced off the walls,
Cries from his mother, brother, and sister tore through his flesh,
Hymns were sang, and the sound of presents and flowers pounded the lid,
now six feet under, the sound of shovels left him paralyzed,

"I'm sorry O Lord, please forgive me. I want to live, I have seen the errors of my ways. There is nothing glorious about death, only heartache. Please O Lord spare me."
The grave almost full, he hears the last wishes from a widow,
"Promise me Chris, promise me that you will look after my little sister when you see her. I couldn't save her, now I couldn't save you. Promise me you will take care of her. I will forever love you my darling",
"I promise" with his last breathe as he blacked out,
awakening to an empty room, with his shadow and knife in his hand.


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