Beauty In The Little Things

by schmetterling   Jul 11, 2013

I look at the little things
& to me they're so beautiful.
I know how it feels to be so insignificant
That no one notices you or cares.
I love the way the sun's light
Shines through the leaves on the trees.
I think it's amazing
When the flowers bloom every spring
After dying each fall.
The way water ripples
& the wind speaks to you.
I find it so precious.
All these things are small
Not impacting much
But they are so pure
So beautiful.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Beautiful & inspiring words. I love the simplicity of this piece, how you don't have to go into a lot of details for those few images you bring up (sunlight, flowers blooming, water, wind) are very easy to imagine in nature. Indeed, just stepping outside, one can feel these elements and it is in the little things we may overpass that we find the purest beauty, as you wrote.

    Keep writing!

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