Our Life, Our Love

by Marky   Jul 23, 2013

Anger flows through my veins like blood,
from head to toe covering my heart like a flood.
Now I will tell you what I've done for you.
Burnt a thousand times by the flames from you.

Scars from you will always be there,
you touched my body like no ones dared.
I've cut my hands on barbed wire for you,
My lungs died I suffocated for you.

The lies lick my tongue exactly like you used to,
they dance on my lips exactly like you used to.
The poison stung my wounds from the start,
but you still breathe acid into my heart.

I still hold on to the threads of my dreams,
grasping hopelessly at life bursting from seams.
I'm still breathing for the future I have to believe,
that my hearts still waiting to receive.

Ill always regret letting you suffer that time,
But I've poured my soul into keeping you mine.
Now there's nothing left but broken souls and an aching heart,
still bruised and limping right back to where we start.

I can drown myself in your memories of heartbreak,
We was crazy for each other before I made my mistake.
And now its just me who's crazy clawing at the walls of my mind,
Trying to pull the whole world and you back to the love I cant find.

Our lives together is like a rock pool on a receding tide,
left behind and drying up with no where to hide.
The pain in my life is showing through the cracks of my smile,
You'll see me stop bleeding if you stay around a while.



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