Through my eyes

by TheDarkCloudBehindthePoet   Jul 15, 2014

This will be my first poem I have written in almost a year. A year of sadness a year of redemption I hope you enjoy it.

If you looked at me, and I want you to look very close,
Could you see all the pain I've been through?
From cutting to suicide, would you even imagine that my life was real?
The smile on my face was a cry for help, and my laugh grew cold,
My heart was filled with despair, but my tears held me closer than my true love,

But that wasn't enough for the demons inside my head, toying with my soul, carving their stories on my flesh like the Tree of Life,
With my will gone and hopes faded to black, I start stealing and selling drugs,
It was the only thing that made me happy, the only thing that kept me sane,
But every night I've cried, tears dripping looking like I was in the rain,
I knew I was destined to be a failure,

I got to the point where I didn't want to cut or kill myself anymore, but I would still do the demons work,
My life was on the road to nowhere,
Driving down the icy road at full speed, not caring if I lived or died, I just wanted to be happy and be free, then I crashed and was left for dead,
Alone in the cold looking up at the sky watching the snow flakes fall down on my face and my lifeless body,
Closing my eyes praying not to wake up,

Then the Sun pierced the dark clouds as if winter was finally over and he could say hello to the flowers again,
The rays melting the earth around me, forcing me to open my eyes and witness his healing touch,
The world around me went from cold and dark to warm and heavenly,

I got up and thought about my life and the demons I kept locked inside me, and I casted them out,
No more depression or suicidal thoughts and attempts,
No more stealing and drug dealing,
Only positive thoughts and actions,

The prize for all my torment was a career that I will use to help me my family and my wife reached a new plateau,
This is the end game, no more excuses no more sadness,
My life begins a new,
Now if you look at me would you think Id be telling the truth?


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