Never Break Free

by BEJohnson   Feb 9, 2020

I can feel the anger boil in my veins.
I can feel the tightness in my chest.
I've played it off like I was all right.
Kept everything close to the vest.

I can hear my breath become shallow.
I can feel my jaw tighten violently.
I've held everything down for so long.
A fight that for years I've battled silently.

I'm sick of these fake smiles and laugher.
I'm tired of pretending like I'm living life.
It's taken everything in me to be alive.
My happiness is buried beneath this strife.

I have hatred eating at my heart.
I have this pain ripping apart my soul.
I don't know why I can't verbally vent.
All I know is it's starting to take its toll.

I can feel my throat become hoarse.
I can feel my mouth become dry.
The words are on the tip of my tongue.
I can't speak them no matter how hard I try.

I can feel the tears pool around my eyes.
I can hear my demons laughing at me.
I can feel myself shut down and retreat.
I honestly feel like I will never break free.


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  • 4 years ago

    by hayley williams


  • 5 years ago

    by Brenda

    I liked this a lot. I feel your rage and pain. You get tired of putting on that happy face when you are screaming on the inside. Writing is an excellent way to get some of that out. Welcome to P&Q!