Not to think about you

by Shah   Dec 8, 2020

She told me how she wants it
Broke me apart and left me
My heart aching, my eyes tearing

Left me in pieces, let me alone
Gave a warning and a piece of advice
"Just don't think about me anymore"

Stop writing me, go heal yourself
See a doctor, visit some healer
Don't break yourself, stop stressing

Take care of those who need you
Accompany people you're bound to
Explore, evaluate, meditate and bridge

I wish she could feel the pain inside me
Try to understand the suffering of me
Instead of pushing me away, help me

Didn't she realize she was the only one?
With her on my side i always won
Soul attached to hers like no other one

Impossible it seems to me
Impracticable it looks to be
Irreversible it was meant to be

How will i ever be able to forget you?
Now you come up with a solution
Tell me how not to think about you


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