I hope you're happy now

by Shah   Feb 23, 2021

I hope you're happy now but I doubt
I feel your sadness and hear your cries

I hope you're happy now but I know
I think of you when you think of me

I hope you're happy now but I feel
Your heart is aching and you are sad

I hope you're happy now but I see
You got hurt and I saw it coming

I hope you're happy now but I can't
Believe myself when I think you are

I hope you're happy now but I say
Why do I feel you crying at night?

I hope you're happy now but I must
Say behind your shell you're broken

I hope you're happy now but I wish
It was real and not just fantasy

I hope you're happy now but I'm not
Since you left, happiness has left too

I hope you're happy now but I can't
Forget the time we were happy together


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