Return to homeland

by Shah   Mar 18, 2021

I have a name and an identity
But in me hides another entity

I am not what I have been told
Something else hides in this mold

This statue constructed with bones
A bit similar like many other clones

Muscles put in place to make it work
So attractive is this piece of artwork

Glowing skin to complete it's beauty
Will vanish after finishing it's duty

This is not me when I look in the mirror
Little by little it is becoming clearer

It feels like I did exist long time before
It's a secret hidden deep inside my core

This body I stepped in many years later
I am a part of something much greater

Separated long time ago to find myself
So difficult as one has to erase himself

The ultimate truth is buried deep inside
To discover one must erase his pride

Selflessness is a must to become aware
Somewhat difficult but one has to dare

We must look beyond the cloak we hide in
And not get lost in this shape and skin

Something bigger and much better is there
It is calling us but most people don't care

From what I have seen I can conclude
This might sound crazy or a bit rude

But nobody is forced to agree with me
Many have foretold this and I do agree

This world we believe to be our home
This planet where our entire life we roam

Spinning around in the middle of nowhere
The idea of leaving it brings much despair

It's fake and has no existence in my eyes
All will come down what is under the skies

We must long for the everlasting reality
And fall in love with the hidden beauty

Then let love lead us the way to fly high
Be full of passion and never feel shy

We were made of love and meant to love
Instead of that we have forgotten true love

I hope some day we all will understand
And get ready for the return to homeland


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