A Covid Birthday

by Jack   May 4, 2021

Covid Birthday

Its my birthday
My favorite time of year.
And it is usually
Filled with cheer.

Until this year
Darn covid hit.
And from all the
preparation it ruined it.

It was all on Meets
and oh, yes Zoom.
When we could have
Had it in my room.

At least I got gifts
But not as much.
Well at least I got to
Unwrap them and such.

I also got cake and
Other great food.
And that got me
Into a better mood.

It was raining out
And a crappy day.
And we didn't get
To go outside and play.

It wasn't the best
Birthday I've had.
But thinking back
It wasn't that bad.
2021 Jack


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  • 3 years ago

    by Keira Pickard

    Sorry your birthday wasn't the best, but I love the note of cheer at the end of your poem:)
    I've had two birthdays during covid - my twelfth, just as Corona cases started to appear, and my thirteenth, during a recent lockdown. I know that it's not the best, but, as you said, definitely not the worst.

    • 3 years ago

      by Jack

      Yup, it was fun getting to ’see’ my friends!