
by ddavidd   Nov 23, 2022

Idiot: " Come on, look into my glasses
and see how clear the world would turn."

Mad man: "if I wanted to see
I would look into my own glasses.
Everyone’s glasses appertain
only to precise eyes."

Nurse Rachet: "Not necessarily.
Patients are allowed to see only through my eyes,
to learn sanity...."
Madman finishing her sentence: "how insane it might be!"

Pandemonium general guideline: "We are not looking for truth
or redemption, nor even rehabilitation.
We are here to adjust and to maintain
the assembly line of norm,
the collective mask,
the show, that no matter what
it must go on."

Doctor: "The only concern is the "order"
and the mundane sanity.
We cannot harbor insanity.
We know sanity is so specious
and your insanity might easily
outcast us in our own sanity."

Narrator: "People duck their precious heads in mud
to hide from one another:

Sane men embed their heads like partridges in mud
to hide from their vision of insane reality.
Madmen do it
to conceal their insane sanity
from the sane insanity."


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