Ode to Music

by Semaran   Aug 21, 2004

How can we so disrespect music,
Find it copy it ruin it for all.
It is the artists and nobody's,
Proud of their art they should stand tall.

It is such a beautiful expression,
If only i could sing and play.
It would be a marvel of me,
I could make music all day.

Peoples feelings translate to my own,
And their talent plays my mind.
A wonder such perfection exists,
It is all their beauty i find.

Now i was in pain for a while,
Your sweet songs got me through.
Living with your words your lyrics,
Without them i know what I'd do.

Without your gifts i couldn't survive,
I would cut, I would drink and have smoked.
Your spirit drives me from pain,
I would have bled, vomited and choked.

But all those artists out their,
If nothing perpetuating my life.
Holding my mind, my heart,
My hands from that knife.

Music lives within us all,
It gives us emotion and feeling.
Now i shall stand tall and strong,
With your help I am healing.

So i write you my thanks,
But no words from me will do.
And if i could I'd sing you a song,
For everything you've helped me through.

And I send you my appreciation,
Because you deserve it everyday.
Your strong words in my ears,
Are things I'll never push away.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    OMG firstly i would like to invite you to please come and check out some of my ne posts - by the looks of things you have quite a few for me to get thru - but im working on it none the less k? THIS IS MY FAVE i love this poem i am passionate about music and i actually enjoy writing a lil of it here and there too but you just spoke of my passion so well and obviously yours too - an amazingly original piece!