Lost and Confused!

by Jennifer Fox or Jackson   Sep 18, 2004

I'm lost in time
not knowing what to think
I don't know who I am
or what day it is of the week.

I got a headache
that never goes away
it stays with me all the time
it follows me throughout each and everyday.

I'm so confused
of what to do
I am so tired
I need a wake up crew.

I can't sleep at nights
I have break downs by day
I cry for no reason at all
and always to God I pray.

Lord hear me when I say
I need your help in every way
I am lost in my time
and I'm lost in this screwed up mind.

My eyes hurt like crazy
my mind has gone numb
my back is always aching
I feel like a scum.

My heart is broken
it falls down to the floor
piece by piece it breaks apart
each time more and more.

My hands shake when I write
my writing shows the way I feel
I try my best to shout out a message
but now I don't know whats fake or real.

Hurt, Pain
please just leave me now
for I can't go on anymore
because I don't know how.

I have nothing to live for
I have regrets only
I been pushed away by the one person I loved
she was my life's only.

It hurts so bad
knowing of what she tells me
she says I am worthless
this is something I now live believe.

Emotions always draining
tears always raining
thoughts of ending it all
my life has made its final fall.

I'm stuck on what to do
I have no one to trust to talk to
the person I trusted turned her back
her advice is what I need but lack.

I got to be strong
show her I can live without
show her I am not weak
and show her what I'm all about.

I can make it better
even if it takes years
but I may never forget
because reminders are my tears.

For every picture I take off my wall
I see the person that I hesitate to call
she hates me
she wants me to let her be.

what is wrong
what is right
where is it I belong?

Do you think I would go to heaven
or fall down to hell?
But if I were to slit my wrists
would you send out this last letter I forgot to mail?

It is to everyone and says:

I am sorry for the things I've done
I am sorry for being the person you thought a scum
I am sorry for not being there when you needed me
I am sorry that I didn't see the things you see
I am sorry for never showing me really caring
I am sorry if you got mad at me for staring
I am sorry if you hated me from the very start
I am sorry if I ever broke your heart
I am sorry if I ever put you in this much pain
I am sorry if my advice was always lame
I am sorry that I was ever even born
I am sorry if your heart has ever been as torn
I am sorry that you lost the person you had loved
I am sorry if you was the person I always bugged
I am sorry if I ever hurt you as bad as you hurt me
I am sorry for any of many of my mistakes
I am sorry for not having the power it takes
I am sorry for all of these things
but most of all I am sorry for everything!

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  • 19 years ago

    by Cara

    I can read your stupid poems if i want and iam sure not jealous of you why would i be?? theres no reason to anyway and i dont care if u flirt with mat cuz i kno he doesnt like u one bit
    no guy does and if one does hes either ugly or a dork like u and i kno that u didnt care that trent died and that i lost him u never acted like it so stop lieing to yourself you'll never understand how iam feelings and i guess u dont care either but thats ok i dont mind that u dont care about me anymore u can go on living your life in your on little world i kno now that u didnt care about i felt when trent left me or anything like that stop you should really stop acting like u did and if u dont want me to read your poems dont read mine dont look at me dont walk by me dont act like u ever cared u sams not my new best friend she has always been my best friend and you never really tried hard to be there for me or be my bestes friend u say what u want if you really dont care about me than dont talk about me gone live your life have fun get new friends that i guess will be better then me that ok iam going to be alright ya iam going to be sad for awhile cuz trents not with me anymore but other then that i think ill be fine so have the time of your life without me maybe so day ill will learn that i did something wrong in my past but memories last forever bye jennie

  • 19 years ago

    by Kristina

    thats a really good poem keep it up!

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