Winters Last Blossom

by Cantchangeme   Oct 12, 2004

The nightfall wrapped in silence
Falls upon frost bitten rose hill
Your cold figure walks across it
As it is viewed from my window sill

You sit next to a solitary grave
And your voice calls out to me
A crimson question with no answer
Under the bracken of an old tree

Your pale face of winters night
Your voice the crispness of snow
My raven calls upon me once again
But your sad stare makes him go

The darkness of your true being
Trapped love inside your soul
Your presence smells of the roses
Your heart-shaped black as coal

Your frozen tears form icicles
Underneath your unloved eyes
I look at the gravestones picture
What i see offers no surprise

You stretch out your hand
I won't let you dance alone
Even within our eternal dark
Our candles like love burn on

People still See movement in winter
Two figures dancing upon rose hill
Then they sit by a solitary grave
Still icicle tears they both spill

But these are the tears of love
A solitary grave built for two
I joined you that night in winter
Buried in love forever just us two

Now every last winter for forever
Our story was long ago forgotten
The grave remains an we still dance
And provide you with winters last blossom


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Latest Comments

  • 10 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Loved this so much the darkness is really moving :)

  • 16 years ago

    by JCazares21

    I love this had a lot of meaning behind it.
    I agree with tasteless though, not so dark however it had a cold feeling to it

  • 20 years ago

    by DisturbedMind

    i like this... it was kewll... maybe sometime you could look at some of mine and tell me what you think... keep writing

  • 20 years ago

    by Mephastophilis

    ok......... i did comment on this brilliant poem but it has strangely dissapeared. Anyways, i'm once again amazed at the depth of your poems and how beautifull written they are. you get better which every poem you write. i really like this. its very unique and reminds me of a poem (well more like a short story that rhymes) called "the highway man." if you ever get a chance, type it in google and read it. i think you'll enjoy it, i know i certainly did. tc xmollyxx

  • 20 years ago

    by TAinted vįŕťues

    Great poem as usual but i got two querries...

    1> How come almost every poem has the word crimson in it...

    2>Shud this not be in the love really isnt that dark

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