Years of PAIN (re-submit)

by Molly Elizabeth   Nov 7, 2004

You could see years of pain in her eyes...
You go to talk to her,
she breaks down and cries.
Nobody really understands her pain.
She tries to talk to you,
but stops herself
before she feels too lame.

You criticize her,
without a single word,
just your expressions
make her feel obsered.
What do you do?
What do you say?
When you know
there is nothing
to make her feel okay.

Her face is pale,
her hands are white...
you can tell she gets
little sleep at night.
She always looks so scared...
you can tell shes not alright.

But what can you do?
What can you say?

Shes slowly being pushed
over the edge.
You can tell from the deep scars in her wrists. It's her only way
of coping...
It's like theres no escape
no way out.
She just wishes someone could take her place.
She prays someone could feel
her pain. If only for one day...
If only for one minute.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Molly Elizabeth

    aww thanks... i always love to read what you think of my poems! Your so sweet!!
    love ya lots,

  • 19 years ago

    by Bobby Brownlie

    hey molly this poem was sad but very well written i am speechless. this poem is identical to my poem that i wrote call jagged angel, and jaggel angel 2. great poem!!!!
    take care and love ya much