
by CareBear   Dec 5, 2004

Why do people always take your side
no one ever listens to me
I'm sorry you made me make the choice
It was the hardest decision I've had to make
A friendship that was heading down the drain
or my reason for living, my life
You never spoke to me anymore
I could see our friendship needed a lot of help
It needed a lot of work to get it steady again
I wasn't ready for that battle
I was weak and tired
My world had been turned upside down
I guess both of our worlds had
I stood by you through it all
but I had no one to stand by me
except him, he really cared
he seemed to be the only one
I needed him
I loved him
I thought eventually you could accept that
but I guess I was wrong
We havn't spoken in months
I'm so sorry I love him
but I can't help how I feel
You want to know how important you were to me
I wanted to die because you weren't by my side
I cried for you
I bled for you
You still don't seem to care
I'm sorry I love you both
but I had to choose him
He threw away my knife
Something no one else could do
Now things have changed
He's trying to fix our friendship
Once again he took your side
You've been through a lot,
So what?
So have I
Why can't anyone see
Im dying, screaming on the inside
Reaching out for something more
Everyone else takes your side
now he has too
Now your taking him
Why can't you just be happy for me
or does it make you happy to see me hurting
Why must I live my life
I refuse to live without him
I'm not leaving him
not for anyone
now you have to accept that


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  • wow, this is a great poem i really love it good work! maybe u could check out some of my work (not dat der as good as urs tho) 'too many lies' and 'hurt one 2many times' thanx.
    ("v") bec

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