No Thank You!

by Perfectly Unperfect   Jan 8, 2005

I wrote this for my sophmore English class. It follows the No Thank You speech format from Cyrano.

What would you have me do?
Shut my mouth when I am right and
Let you talk down on me? No thank you!
Sew my lips closed because I have an
Idea that differs from yours? No thank you!
Shut out my heart? Padlock my soul?
Pay no heed to my mind because it leads me
To a road that no one has taken before?
No thank you! Make my knees bleed
While I bow down to you and obey
Your every word? No thank you! Be your
Slave for life because you did me a
Simple favor? No thank you! Change my hair,
Change my clothes, change my smile and my laugh
Because they don't fit your requirements of
Perfect? No thank you! No, I thank you!
And again I thank you! -But...

To shout, to live, to laugh,
To roll in the grass and be the happiest
I've ever been. To eat brunch at the
Marriot in pajamas and no make-up
And still feel as good as the ladies
With their fifty-dollar lipsticks and $1,000 purses.
To share the most passionate kiss with my boyfriend,
Then look you in the eyes, smile, and walk away
With my head held up as high
As it can go. To tell you all of
My secrets, to give you a glimpse of my soul,
Then to watch your mouth drop at
The shock of what I've done. To
Get you in a corner and scream to you
My thoughts, while you sit and listen attentively.
To skip the prison that you call
College and still live better than most.

Live, yes!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Polly

    Very good, i liked it =)