Following my Stars

by Ð맆îñ¥   Jan 16, 2005

The blood red sky glares down on me casting me a red shadow
I long for the purity I used to have, for a clear sky that bares no smirk
My design is intricate, almost complicated
I can’t fathom it out

I used to admire the sea
I loved the soft splash of the waves
I’d see it reflecting the sun, a sea of many colours
So much life but there was always stuff happening
Already waiting to take it away
They’re always waiting

Those that stand side by side, stood by their sword
A grim indifference suffered onto their face
All get drawn into a ring of lost hope

We’re all heading for a fixed point
I watch those specks of stars
I’ll never reach something like that

The ways are moving, changing
My view turns to frost, to ice, to glass
The suns heat cannot find me
The rays pierce through my heart
Through cracks many made
I feel I keep falling down
I’m trapping myself, setting myself aflame

I need to change, change forever
I need to follow my stars, outlive my destiny
I will make my own
And when those sunsets gleam
Too red for me to gaze at
I can think I could cool the heat

My inner flame is hidden behind a sea of blue
I can always find it
I’ll peep through my cover, pull back the curtains

I will take my sword and fight my battle with it
I will learn to live with it
And I will watch Luna carefully, the dimmer light
She will show me my way

As I walk through my mountains
And wade through my sea
I feel a beam of light has finally found me


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