The Golden Slumber

by Shelly   Feb 11, 2005

Once you are in it, there's no finding a way out.
Understanding what I am talking about, I'm sure won't be hard.
The sadness, uselessness, or complete and utter loneliness.
All of these building up more and more each day until your on the brink of suicide.
Or what is more widely know in medical terms is depression. Something so severe it can determine the outcome of your life.
It never goes away and I fear it never will. It seems the world can do nothing to help me.
How can it?
Its not something that can be just sucked out of me with a dull needle.
Much like coke out of a cup through a straw leaving behind the melting ice.
No, its not that easy.
It's in my mind, on the tip of my tongue, developing my thoughts, lingering in my sentences, swirling in my facial expressions.
It hovers over me like clouds do over land, with the clouds always comes rain. Rain that never stops and never lets me stay dry.
It seems there's no cure for people much like me.
There's no escape for us victims.
They shouldn't call it depression, they should call it The Golden Slumber. Because suffer from what you may, your life will always be in a state of slumber.
Your body is awake but your mind is not, its still waiting for that second alarm to go off in your head to tell you its time to wake up.
But that never happens and you remain unbalanced.
Gold is forever and so is my slumber.
I feel truly alone and like many before me that have suffered The Golden Slumber, I will be no different to know that peace and relieve lies only within my death.
To me this is truly a fatal illness, it might not truly stop you from breathing and you may die old in your bed.
But make no mistake in knowing that dieing doesn't always mean you stop breathing.


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