As The Second Ticks Away

by Ashley Redden   Mar 13, 2005

As the clock ticks away
Another seconds passed
She tries to think of reasons
Of why she mite be here
Its been at least 300 ticks
At least thats about what shes counted
Still nothings came to mind
She thinks about all the things in life
All the things shes done
Wondered how bad shes hurt anyone
Wondered whats one good thing I've done
The only thing she can think of
Is being around or trying to be around
When someone needed her
So i guess thats it
Thats my reason
Maybe thats what i was sent here for
Maybe that just might be
Maybe I'm sent here to be that friend to someone
Thats not really what i thought it to be
Nothing like that
But I guess I'm here
And I'll never figure out why


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