by marilyn marti   Oct 9, 2003

When i'm sad it's dark inside
when i'm too happy I start to cry

When i'm lonely the black takes over
I want the white to be my cover

The black brings out what I want to be unseen
The white's not there it's always hiding

When i'm scared I close my eyes
When i'm excited nothing's in my mind

When i'm selfish the black agrees
When i'm trying the white believes

The black laughs when I fall
The white helps me get up

I have to fight the battles inside
for me there will always be black and white.

**hi everyone please vote on my poem or even leave a comment i really want to hear your opinions-thanks!**


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  • 17 years ago

    by reborn

    Haha this is gonna sound silly n not too meaningful for u cuz ur a gal but made me think of the "force" if u know what i mean... (star wars)
    anyways it's all true how black or darkness as i like to call it can affect u in every way. it has this stronghold on u n feeling depressive is weird enough but u can actually strive from it. u know how putting sad songs on when ur sad n crying n all that shit can keep u under this darkness..
    as for the white or light it has the same inpact exept it's in my opinion way more democratic in the sense that it doesn't force itself on u. it's not oppressive, etc.
    ok u sure were right in ur message i write way too long comments haha. 5/5